Dylan Mikesell
Senior Scientist
Dr. Dylan Mikesell is an applied geophysicists with a PhD in Seismology. Dylan moved to Oslo in 2021, where he began a Senior Scientist position at NGI in the Remote Sensing and Geophysics group. Prior to joining NGI, Dylan was an Associate Professor of Geophysics at Boise State University in the U.S., where he was the Director of the Environmental Seismology Laboratory. Since arriving in Norway, Dylan has been working to ramp up NGI and Norway's activities in extraterrestrial geotechnics, focusing heavily on the Moon, but also investigating Mars and asteroids. In addition to lunar science, Dylan continues to do research in near-surface applied geophysics here on Earth, building on what we know from years of practicing geophysics on Earth and thinking about how we use geophysical technologies on other planets. Dylan is interested in building partnerships among research institutes like NGI, universities, and industry throughout Europe to push human exploration beyond Earth and ensure that back on Earth we benefit from investment in space technologies.