
Martin Ludvigsen
#autonomy #oceanxspace

Martin Ludvigsen
Martin Ludvigsen has been a Professor at the Department of Marine Technology, NTNU since 2014. His research interests are within the field of underwater vehicles and its applications. This includes perception and interpretation of cameras and sonar data together with autonomy. Underwater vehicles for marine observation systems, adaptive mission planning for one or more vehicles for ocean column mapping has also been a focus point for his research group. He is co-founder and manager for the Applied Underwater Laboratory (AUR-Lab) at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. AUR-Lab ( is an asset for multidisciplinary marine research at NTNU, facilitating research within both engineering disciplines and marine science by providing ROV, AUV and USV operations. He is also the co-founder of Blueye Robotics, a start-up company providing portable ROVs. Ludvigsen has extensive at-sea experience in Arctic waters and has been involved in research projects both on deep sea research, in the upper water column and in the arctic deploying robotic underwater vehicles.